Sunday, February 3, 2008

Here is Hunter doin his thing!

Heather just informed me that the picture of the christmas tress with the letters on it may need some explaining for anyone who is not aware of our family tradition. Each year we write christmas letters to each other, we meet and Grandma and Grandpa Morris' (Ryan's grandparents) house, put the letters on the tree and then later on that evening we read them. This tradition has been going on since before I was born.

Christmas eve 2007

These are some pics from at jason and wendy's wedding reception

Hey everyone, welcome to our new family blog. Heather and I will be sharing the updating of this site. We will try to keep it as up to date as possible. Just to kinda let everyone know where we are at right now. Heather and I have been married for 5 and a half years. We have 3 kids...Hunter (4 and 1/2), Hailey (2 and 1/2) and Dylan (8 mos). I am currently 2 years into my 4 year anesthesiology residency at Riverside County Regional Medical Center, which is in Moreno Valley Calif. Heather is an amazing mother and wife, she is really into scrapbooking and shopping, she loves reading, but the three young ones have made that difficult as of late. Hunter is synonymous with dirtbiking right now - the two just go together period. Hailey, well lets just say she likes to walk the edge with everything she does, she is an amazing little girl who seems to be able to impose her will on just about everything she gets her hands into and finally Dylan, he is completely different from the other two...mellow, easygoing, etc...this is the only way to describe him. Below are just a smattering of pictures and videos from the pas few months, enjoy